Take a moment to ponder. How effective your marketing would be if your audience trusted your brand? And if you knew exactly what words would make hordes of people line up outside? That is exactly what we discover with our testing strategy.
The Asset is called The Asset, because marketing and advertising should create assets for your business. Some of these are obvious like building a well known and trusted brand. Others are less obvious, like knowing exactly which headline makes your audience run to your shop and throw money at you. But knowing which headline brings in dollars is definitely an asset.
Business is competitive. Advertising is competitive. But just like professional sports teams – you need a plan that includes rest, evaluation, and unrelenting performance at the right moment.
Good Advertising Uses Tests and Validation
Concepts and validation
Most companies are full of ideas. Great companies have proven ideas. Each campaign and ad should go through an iterative validation process before it is launched at full scale. This isn’t an A/B test to check which ad is better – when you do that you learn a very basic insight – ad ‘A’ is better than ad ‘B’. Following that style of A/B testing, next time when you create an ad does that dramatically improve your chances of success? Not really.
The Asset’s validation process isn’t about creating multiple ads and comparing them to choose a winner. It is about generating insights and validation at each step of the ad creation process.
An ad generally has 5 components:
- Ad Copy Hook
- Headline
- Ad Copy Body
- Ad Copy CTA
- Video Creative
- Graphic Creative
Get Validated Ad Campaigns from The Asset Agency
An example of our agency validation strategy
On the transparent costs page you can find a creative service called 3×3 Campaign Creative Creation (P.S. it’s $1,840). Here is how it is described:
- This service will result in you having 3 video ads, 3 graphic ads, and 3 variations of ad copy and headlines ready for you to use.
- We test, validate, and iterate 30+ different combinations to end up with these 6 ads.
- Each element is tested using ad spend (included in the cost), so that these ads are known to work, rather than a guess.
Depending on what sort of campaign it will be used for there are slightly different methods, but let’s talk about a Sales objective. To be precise, driving instant sales from a cold audience. The following is a brief synopsis of the process. You can apply this strategy yourself.
First. Is an audience research process, who are these people, what are they likely to be thinking about, how do they refer to themselves, how do they refer to their problems etc.
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Second. Is hook testing. We will craft an initial ad for this round of testing. But the element we are testing is the copy hook – the first 2-3 lines of content for a Facebook ad.
Fourth. Body copy testing. Measuring link clicks/traffic and sales, the body copy should be warming up your audience to convert.
Fifth. Graphic creative testing. Measuring ad clicks for impact, link clicks for conversion value, and sales for trust/persuasion value.
Sixth. Video creative testing. Measuring ad clicks for impact, link clicks for conversion value, and sales for trust/persuasion value.
Judge me by my friends.

Dean Denny

Dean Denny. Hands down, the best Marketing Manager we’ve ever worked with. Timmy is the most well-rounded digital marketing professional we’ve ever serviced in our Agency. It’s been a hoot working with him. Ignore his genius at your own peril…

Dean Denny

Dean Denny. Hands down, the best Marketing Manager we’ve ever worked with. Timmy is the most well-rounded digital marketing professional we’ve ever serviced in our Agency. It’s been a hoot working with him. Ignore his genius at your own peril…
Recycling Ads Is Key To Lower Creative Costs
Does your audience trust you?
If you’re running an ad to a cold audience, a small portion will click, and a smaller portion will convert. Next month you want to continue advertising to this audience — but:
You don’t want to go through a whole new ad validation process for two reasons:
- It takes time and money.
- If you’ve done it right the first time – you should get the same general results.
You can’t keep showing the same ad to the same people – they’ll start to ignore it, and then eventually dislike (or HATE) you for continuously shouting at them.
So let’s assess what you would know:
- We know that xxx is the best performing body copy.
- We know yyy is the best performing CTA.
- We know which hooks performed well.
- We know the non-converting audience has already seen and not acted on our previous video/image.
- We know the non-converting audience has already seen the first few lines of our ad.
So we need to take the best body copy, the best CTA, and change out the ‘above the line’ elements, in this case it would be the creative, and the first 2-3 lines of ad copy. Everything else can remain virtually the same.
This clarifies, calms, and simplifies advertising. You can have 6 different ads all tested and validated – reusing the best performing parts, but changing out the visible parts. So after creating your queue of ads, we can begin to cycle them out as soon as analytics suggests the audience is fatiguing.

Concluding thoughts
This isn’t an in-depth explanation of every ad or marketing strategy we believe in, but it demonstrates our operations led strategic approach.
- Plan further ahead
- Batch produce assets
- Share winning concepts across channels and campaigns
- Most importantly, look after your audience, keep them interested, keep building trust, and show them variety.